POSITAL Product Finders

Large Variety – Easy To Select
POSITALs online product finder helps users navigate this wide range of available models and provides more than 1 Million specific data sheets in 11 different languages. With this configurators you will find exactly the sensor you need. You will configure the interface and also the mechanical and electrical connection to your application. You will have access to all information you need.
Incremental Encoder Finder

- Any PPR up to 16384 Available
- Flexible Scaling Functionality
- Compact Size Down to 36 mm Ø
- Optional Stainless Steel and Heavy Duty Housings
- High Shock and Vibration Resistance
Absolute Encoder Finder

- Maintain Position Information When Power is Lost
- Wiegand Technology means No Battery Backup Necessary – Never Change Batteries
- Compact Size - Down to 36 mm Ø
- Stainless Steel, ATEX and SIL Encoders Available
- High Shock and Vibration Resistance
Kit Encoder Finder

- Mechanical Design - Compatible With Common Bolt Patterns
- Wiegand Technology means No Battery Backup Necessary – Never Change Batteries
- Compact Size - Down to 22mm Ø
- Insensitive To Dust and Moisture -40°C to +105°C Temperature Range
Inclinometer Finder

- Precise Single and Dual Axis Tilt Measurement
- High Accuracy of 0.1° and Resolution of 0.01°
- Measurement Range ±80° (Dual Axis) or 360° (Single Axis)
Linear Sensor Finder

- Wide Selection of Measuring Lengths
- Absolute Position Measurement with Resolutions up to 2 µm
- High Linearity even with Long Cycle Times
- Low Cost yet Rugged Construction
- Scalable Analog Output to Fit Measuring Length
Accessories Finder

- Different Cable Designs and Lengths
- Adapter Flanges for Precise Installation