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Rotary Encoders - CANopen

Q: What to do when the encoder doesn’t respond - bus is active but the installed encoder transmits no boot-up message?
A: Steps to follow:

  • switch of the PLC
  • remove the connection cap of the encoder
  • check the turn-switch for the baud rate
  • assemble the connection cap
  • power on

Q: What can I do when during the transmission of the position value, occasional malfunction? Occurs?
A: The CAN bus can be temporary in the bus off state also. Check if the last bus node has switched on the terminal resistor. If the last bus node is an encoder, the terminal resistor is in the connection cap.

Q: What to do in case of too many ERROR – frames?
A: The bus load is too high in that case. Check if all bus nodes have the same baud rate. If one node has another baud rate error frames are produced automatically.
The changing of baud rate and node number are only valid after a new power up, NMT Reset or the store parameters command.

Q: What to do when the encoder doesn’t transmit the bits for the limit switches?
A: The limit switch functionality must be activated once. Please follow the description you can find at 4.5. chapter in the manual.